April 20, 2022 — About a month ago, Konami announced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection via Sony’s ever-popular State of Play event. In the trailer, the collection showed several of the games to be included — with a vague release date of 2022. Now, Konami and Digital Eclipse — who is putting together the collection — have more news to share.
Besides the standard editions that will come out for all major consoles in both physical and digital formats, Konami is also releasing a limited ‘Collector’s Edition’ — an exclusive package that will include the TMNT games, of course, a cloth poster, an acrylic stand, some enamel pins, trading cards, and a full-color art book. The latter is the most impressive item in the ‘Collector’s Edition’ as it is a whopping 180 pages long.
Expansive Art
The ‘Collector’s Edition’ will set you back $150 USD whenever it launches this year, with pre-orders already up across a variety of retail sites. If you want the regular version sans fluff, that’ll “only” be $40 USD.
“The limited TMNT ‘Collector’s Edition’ will set retro fans back $150 USD.”
For those who missed the original news, The Cowabunga Collection stated it would include 13 games from across a plethora of platforms.

The 13 games should come with an asterisk as some titles are only alternate versions. For example, Tournament Fighters is included with the NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis versions so, in all fairness, it’s more like a TMNT collection of 9 titles.
Made to be Mighty
TMNT games include the aforementioned Tournament Fighters along with Turtles in Time, Fall of the Foot Clan, Back from the Sewers, Radical Rescue, The Hyperstone Heist, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1-3. Overall, it is a mighty collection, and being able to play Turtles in Time alone, via the arcade and SNES versions, is going to be a huge draw.
“Uniquely, most of the TMNT games have been unavailable since they launched on their original platforms.”
Turtles in Time is a fan favorite but most of the TMNT games on offer have been unavailable — virtually since they launched on their original platforms — which makes the collection totally fresh. Also, don’t forget the gorgeous-looking, upcoming Shredder’s Revenge, the new TMNT title that is supposed to launch in 2022 as well looks highly promising.
2022 is looking to be the year of the turtle even though it is technically the year of the tiger! How many teenage mutant ninja tigers do you know though?
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection limited edition box can be pre-ordered now for SRP $149.99. Note the collector edition is available only through US and Canada-based retailers — for PlayStation®5, PlayStation®4, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.